Friday 20 March 2015

Monday 2 March 2015

Facebook Marketing

Facebook is one of the highest traffic social communities online and by creating a free account you can set up both a profile page and a Facebook fan page. Now, here’s the reason you want to create a fan page: They generate MASS EXPOSURE EFFORTLESSLY! Fan pages can easily go viral and with this intense exposure, you will be able to: 1) Maximize commissions through extended exposure 2) Build a reputation in your niche market 3) Generate MASSIVE traffic to every site you post 4) Beef up your Alexa ranking, instantly! When you create a Facebook fan page you are essentially setting up a CENTRALIZED TRAFFIC FUNNEL for your entire affiliate campaign. And since creating a Facebook fan page is FREE, you are able to start generating exposure at no cost at all. PLUS – you can create as many Facebook fan pages you wish! In order to create a Facebook fan page, you will need to create a free Facebook account at You will also want to make sure that your Facebook profile is completely filled out and include a photo if possible, along with your website URL. When creating Facebook fan pages, you are entirely anonymous which means that no one knows that YOU are the admin of the page. This is a great way of promoting affiliate products as well as your own without exposing the fact that you are an affiliate. Once you create a Facebook fan page, you will be given 100% control over it and will be able to update it as often as you like. From inside of your Facebook account, click on “Create A Page” or subsequently, if you’re logged in, you can click the link below: Begin by choosing a Local which is basically a category for your page: Next, choose a name for your page. This should include relevant keywords relating to what your page is going to be about. For example, if you are going to create a page that centers around a specific niche (like weight loss, acne, pets), you should include your primary niche keyword in the page title. Click “Create Page”. When your page is first created it will be relatively empty and you will wan to spend some time filling out additional details, including adding a photo, image or avatar that represents your fan page, and adding a description so that people searching for specific pages can find yours. Again, use keywords when creating a description for your fan page. Make sure that you add your website URL into the text box as shown above. You NEED to enter in the FULL URL, otherwise the link won’t be clickable. So, will work. You want to do your best to offer enough information about your fan page to encourage other people to join the group. Once you’ve created your fan page you will be able to choose contacts from existing friends or from your email address book and send them an automated message suggesting that they become a fan of the page you just created. When you’ve created a decent size community of fans (1,000 or more), it’s time to start posting updates that include your cloaked affiliate link as well as direct links to free content and resources that members of your fan page will find useful. You want to balance out promotional updates with quality broadcasts so that you are able to retain your “fans”. It won’t take long to create a large community of fans, just start by inviting all of your existing Facebook friends, and then searching for new contacts using Facebook’s built in search or by choosing contacts from your different email and social accounts. You can also create as many different fan pages as you want, with each one focusing on a different niche market. When you post updates make sure you use the status area so that you are able to generate maximum exposure from your messages. Note: Facebook also allows you to link your fan page to your twitter account for additional exposure! Here are other popular social communities where you should begin building a profile and interacting with potential customers: Some of the sites above may be new to you, but they are all proven to be the top traffic generators according to With sites like, you can post website URL’s and set up a single profile page within minutes that will generate traffic from the search engines and allow you to network and connect with potential customers and even joint venture partners. You can also begin to generate traffic from Google’s new service, Buzz, that integrates with your gmail account and allows you to communicate with people that you email regularly. You can also choose to “follow” people in the same way you would on sites like Twitter AND the best part of all is that those following the people who you follow can see your Buzz! Posts. Click on the BUZZ link from within your gmail account and you will be able to post a message that is viewable by everyone in your contact list (and those following people that are following you) You can also choose to “Connect” sites to your Buzz account such as your Google profile (where you can enter in your website links), as well as your Twitter account, Picasa, Flickr and account. Once you connect an account to your Buzz, every time you post a new message, send out a new tweet or even upload a new video, you can choose to automatically post a message within the Buzz community alerting people of your new updates! You can start building a following within Buzz just by adding people from your contacts list or by searching for people by name, email address or website URL. It’s a great way to synch up all of your social community accounts so that you are cross-marketing each time you post a new update. Classified Marketing When it comes to traffic generation and gaining maximum exposure for your affiliate links, classified advertising is one of the fastest and easiest ways to get your affiliate link in circulation. The key to a successful classified advertising campaign begins with the title of your advertisement itself. You want to make SURE it’s eye catching and is likely to attract the most attention possible. Consider incorporating relevant keywords into your advertisement itself, as well as within the title but pay close attention to ensuring that your title is compelling and will really motivate people to click your link and read your offer. When posting your classified ad, you want to make sure to choose the appropriate category, so that your advertising gains the best exposure possible and that you include a full URL to your offer. Your ads headline should have the main benefit of the product you are promoting clearly featured. For example: “Instant Payments With Paypal” would be a strong advertisement title that would likely pull in viewers. You never want to try to sell the product within the advertisement title, but rather have your ad title convince readers to click on your link and read the full-length advertisement. Also, make sure you double-space your advertisement copy so it’s easier to read, and avoid lengthy paragraphs. Your advertisement body should never exceed 1-3 lines in length before entering a space to the next paragraph. Never include phone numbers within your ad title or advertisement body. Instead, provide a direct link to your website using domain redirect link cloaking when placing advertisements via classified sites for a higher click through rate. The top classified advertising hot spots include: Secret Free Traffic With RSS RSS feeds can dramatically improve your search engine rankings as well as search engine optimization of every single webpage you create. In addition, RSS feeds can ensure that all of your new content is quickly indexed within the major search engines, in fact, you can count on your pages being indexed in a matter of a few hours! In order to use RSS feeds to significantly improve your search engine optimization and ranking, you will need to create an RSS feed for your entire website. One of the easiest ways to do this is by creating your website using free blogging software such as or If you aren’t interested in building your website on a blog platform, you can still create RSS feeds for all of your content by using a RSS feed creation service, such as or When you’ve created your RSS feed, you need to make it visible to visitors on your website. You can do this by adding a “Subscribe To RSS Feed” icon, link or button. You can also publish your RSS feed within RSS directories such as You also want to make sure that you post frequent updates, so that search engine spiders see fresh new content on your website regularly. Whenever your RSS feed is displayed on another website, a direct link to your website is also showcased within the feed, adding both link popularity through backlinks and page rank. While RSS feeds provide you with a number of different ways to significantly boost your traffic from the major search engines, there are also a growing number of RSS search engines and directories in which it is far easier to achieve a high ranking because there of limited competition. An RSS search engine enables visitors to search for specific web sites or pages or by RSS feeds after entering in relevant search terms or keyword phrases, just as they would when entering in search queries with Among the many different RSS search engines, the most popular is Yahoo’s RSS feed directory. By creating a RSS feed and submitting it into Yahoo’s directory you can optimize your search engine ranking very quickly, driving in even more traffic to your pages.

Forum Marketing

The great thing about forums is that because they are constantly updated with fresh content and new posts, the search engines are consistently crawling the websites looking to index the latest content. What this means to you is that just by including your affiliate link within forum posts and your forum signature, your link will get instantly indexed and you will be able to generate traffic quickly from both the forum itself and from your new ranking in the major search engines like Of course there are rules to follow with every forum and it’s important that you read over their guidelines prior to posting so that all of your efforts pay off, and your posts aren’t removed or your account banned. One of the most overlooked elements of forum marketing is in the actual profile section itself. Many forums are built on the backend of popular scripts like vBulletin or Simple Machines, and all of these forums allow users to set up profile areas, that can include your photo, a short bio and of course, your website links! You want to set up a number of profiles on relevant forums and include your affiliate link within the profile box BUT be careful adding affiliate links to forum signatures or posts. It usually is not allowed, so you will need to take a different approach. The easiest way to get your links passed through without any concern over being removed or banned by a moderator is to create a quick blog or website that features quality content. You can use one of the blogs you created for your linkwheel, or you can quickly create a new blog using, or Then, instead of posting your affiliate link within your forum signature, you can include a direct link to your website. That way your links pass the approval of forum moderators yet you are still able to generate quick traffic to your pages! You want to focus on being active within relevant forums relating to the type of products you are promoting. Try to spend some time interacting on the board by offering help whenever possible and truly offering value to the community. It will go a long way in being able to build credibility and convince people to click your links and explore your websites. When searching for relevant forums, you can find countless boards a number of different ways including by searching through one of the largest forum directories online or by visiting and entering in search strings that include keywords like “forum” or “board”. Example: Your-Niche-Keyword+Forum Your-Niche-Keyword+Community Your-Niche-Keyword+Boards


To start, we'll begin with the traditional article marketing strategy. While you may think that article marketing is time consuming, I'm about to show you a simple way of getting your affiliate links out there with every article you submit, faster and easier. In order to generate this kind of traffic, we need a system that we can easily follow. We'll begin with 5-10 articles, although you will want to repeat this process with new batches of articles as often as possible. These articles should be unique, so you will want to outsource a batch of articles if possible, or write them yourself. You can always take existing private label article content and spin it, just make sure that the content is readable and that the quality is retained. If you are considering outsourcing the articles, the most affordable method is by going into public forums directly rather than setting up projects with freelance marketplaces. It's also a lot faster as you can purchase pre-written article batches from places like or (see WSO section or Warriors For Hire for affordable writers). On Digital Point scroll down until you see the “Buy, Sell or Trade” category and click on the “Content” sub link to access current article packages that are available for purchase. You can easily grab as much unique content as you need at affordable prices just from Digital Point alone. If you need articles that are currently not available within the marketplace, you can post a free thread requesting specific topics. With the Warrior Forum, you can find pre-written article packages in the “Warrior Special Offer” section although the majority of the article packages sold there will be private label content. If you are interested in only unique content, check out the “Warriors For Hire” category to find affordable freelance writers who can create your article packages quicklyYou will need to register for a Warrior Forum account in order to post in the threads or private message potential freelancers. Regardless of how or where you outsource your article content, your articles should always be on par with the type of product you are selling. You want the article content to be very relevant, so that you are able to filter in traffic that is interested in purchasing the products you are promoting. This is very important and for some reason, a large majority of people overlook this entirely, believing that just by submitting a lot of article content regardless of topic, they'll be able to generate leads and essentially sales. It won'tonline, high commission affiliate programs, work at home, online opportunities or affiliate marketing. There are usually many sub topics that will also fit well with your products topic, and you can always include additional articles on any other topic that would tie into your main offer. Think of articles as a way of warming up potential buyers. You want your articles to push buttons and to trigger the RIGHT buyer responses that will instantly funnel readers through your affiliate link onto the merchant's salespage where you will earn commissions. These articles need to PRESELL your readers, to get them so excited about the product that they can't resist but to click on the links featured at the end of your article which will lead them from the article page through your affiliate link to the merchant's salespage (through your author’s resource box as shown below): One great thing about article marketing is that you can easily leverage the content by repurposing it a few different ways. For example, I always submit my articles into the major article directories first but then I also use them to create slideshow presentations, reports, and even videos that can be submitted into the popular video sites like So once you have your first batch of articles, you can literally fill an entire marketing campaign with the SAME content by using it multiple ways. We'll begin with a single collection of articles. Again, even 10-15 articles are enough to get started. The objective of this guide is to show you how to start making money quickly by generating targeted traffic through your affiliate links, so we only need enough articles to jump-start traffic through your affiliate link. The easiest way to set up article marketing campaigns that will pump in traffic is by first submitting your articles to the major article marketing directories including: Now the thing about ArticleAlley and EzineArticles is that many autoblogging scripts out there will pull content from both of these article directories. This means that your chances of having an article reprinted across hundreds of blogs and websites is very high if you submit content to these two directories first. Imagine having your article content reprinted on thousands of relevant websites! It wouldn't take a lot of articles to drive in an unstoppable amount of traffic from very little work. You submit your articles once and they continue to travel all over the Internet each time a webmaster publishes your content. With reprinted content the publisher MUST keep your Author Resource Box intact. This means that the links contained within your resource box will be included with every article that is republished, driving in tons of back links to your affiliate link! You should always post your content on Ezine Articles first as they require that all content be original in order to beNow, the most important aspect to every successful article marketing campaign is in defining your keywords. You need to make sure that each article is highly optimized for the most relevant keywords relating to the product you are promoting, in this case, our Fast Track Cash product. Here are a few keywords that fit our product perfectly: Fast Track Cash Fast Track Cash Reviews Fast Track Cash Opportunity High Commission Payouts High Commission Affiliate Programs Fast Cash Affiliate Programs Make money online with Fast Track Cash Work At Home with Fast Track Cash You can optimize your articles a number of different ways, including: 1) Integrating keywords into the title of the article 2) Integrating keywords into the body of your article content 3) Using anchor text in your external links When it comes to integrating keywords into the article titles, you want to make sure that it's readable and makes sense to your readers but will also attract the major search engines as well. One easy way to write articles that incorporate keywords is by using the format of "Top 10 Methods For XXXXX". Using our product as an example, my article title could be "Top 5 Methods Of Generating Fast Commissions", with "fast commissions" being the keyword we are trying to optimize our content around. Just the same, you could create an article that offers a review of our product, titling it as Fast Track Cash Review" which would optimize your article for the keyword Fast Track Cash Review, which not only targets the correct audience BUT you will drive in potential buyers on the verge of already purchasing the Fast Track Cash product but needing a bit more information before making their decision to buy! You also want to weave keywords into the content itself, again ensuring that it makes sense to readers and it's stuffed so much with keywords that it doesn't make sense to anyone but the search engines. This is important because essentially, while you want your articles to rank within the search engines in order to suck in commission payments from visitors directed to the articles and funnelled through your links, if a visitor lands on your article and it's so poorly written and confusing with an overload of keywords, they aren't going to convert that traffic into sales. So always integrate keywords into both your article titles and content but use sparingly. If you aren't sure what your articles should be about or what titles to use, a quick and easy way to conduct market research is by visiting Yahoo! Answers at Next, type in your main keyword phrase, for example "How to make money in affiliate marketing", and what you will discover is that within all of the Yahoo! Answer categories there are countless questions that are being asked. This is a great, fast way of coming up with both article titles and overall structure, because all you have to do is answer questions that are already being asked within the community, based on your niche markets. When writing an article on affiliate marketing, you could provide readers with a quick tutorial on how to get started and then highlight the Fast Track Cash program as being one of the highest commission offers available. Then, include your affiliate link and you're good to go! You can also find topics for your articles by just spending time going through the different articles already showcased in categories on the main article directories. You can browse through the most popular articles in order to see what kinds of titles they are using that are generating the most exposure and then model your own articles after those that are already proven to be successful. There are a number of other ways to choose the best article titles that will generate the most exposure, including by visiting where you can type in your keywords, search for existing content and create a swipe file of potential titles that you could use with your own articles. Another incredibly useful resource is found at where you can find extremely hot topics and titles. Just by browsing through their open conversations and recent threads you will be able to get a good idea of what the market is currently interested in and willing to buy. And yet a final resource that I personally use to come up with compelling article titles as well as the actual content of my articles is by visiting a community driven content network that will help you quickly write articles based on existing questions being asked within the community. When you write articles based on questions that are currently being asked, you are guaranteeing that your articles will be read as they are addressing the VERY questions that people want to find the answers to. The headline of your article is the most critical part in developing successful article marketing campaigns. You absolutely need a winning headline (title) that will compel people to click on your article and read your content. This means that you need to make sure that your primary keywords are integrated into your article titles but you also need to make sure that your articles are going to capture attention, either by creating curiosity, promise a benefit of some kind, or ask a question that targets your audience so that they quickly click on your link and read your article. When it comes to the actual length of your articles, I recommend sticking with 300-400 word articles. You don't want your articles to be too lengthy but detailed enough to pre-sell your reader and motivate them to click your affiliate link and make the purchase. In fact, the shorter the article the faster they will move from the article through your affiliate link, but you do want to make sure that you provide enough information, and focus your articles so that they are highly informative, so that even though they are short, they do the job of pre-selling your readers! Cloaking Your Affiliate Links When it comes to your Author Resource box, this is where the magic happens and it's important to use both straight links with anchor text. Anchor text is when you use keywords to create your link rather than displaying the URL itself. For example, anchor text for our Fast Track Cash product could appear like this within your resource box: Grab your copy of Fast Track Cash! You can create anchor text within your Author Resource Boxes by using the following HTML code: Click here to sign-up for Fast Track Cash. The text that appears between the HTML brackets above (Fast Track Cash) is what will appear as a link within your Authors Resource Box, and you can change this easily just by editing the text and the link contained within the first bracket! Just the same, you can cloak your affiliate link to avoid your links being removed by readers, and show the entire link within your author resource box like this: Grab your copy of Fast Track Cash at http://www.Your-Affiliate- Cloaking your affiliate links is very important for a number of reasons. Not only will it eliminate lost profits by people removing your affiliate ID from the link prior to purchasing (known as affiliate hijacking), but it also makes your links more user-friendly and attractive which will increase your overall click through rate dramatically. Cloaked links also are better optimized for the search engines as they don't appear to be promotional links but rather regular website links. For example, a regular affiliate link through ClickBank would look like this: Once cloaked, you can customize your affiliate link to look however you like, including showcasing your own domain name, like this: or Here's how to do it: Step 1: Determine how you want your affiliate link to look For example, do you want your link to include a specific keyword such as or and so on. Step 2: Using your favourite FTP program, connect to your website’s FTP server. In your base web site directory, you’ll need to create a new directory to store all of your cloaked affiliate link files. In my example, the new directory I created was called “recommends”. This is what enables the cloaked affiliate link format I decided upon. Step 3: Create your cloaked affiliate link file in a text editor like Notepad, cut-and-paste the following code: Replace YOUR_AFFILIATE_LINK_URL_HERE with the actual affiliate link for your product. Save the file using a filename to represent the product you’re advertising. Step 4: Upload your cloaked affiliate link file Again using your FTP program, upload your newly cloaked affiliate link file into the new folder you just created. And you’re done! Another tip worth mentioning is that you should use a customized link that is different for each article that you are submitting. That way, it serves as a tracking link and will make it easier for you to determine what articles are producing the best results. You can simply set up a variety of sub directories with different names and include them within each article. The majority of article directories will provide you with useful stats as well that will help you keep a pulse on your article marketing and determine whether any articles need to be tweaked or better optimized in order to improve results, so use this information to your advantage and keep on top of every article campaign you set up.

How to add affliate site to your blog post

Let's say you want to tell people about some cool website you found, let's call it, Here's an example of what you might type into your blog: Hey all. Check out this site! It's a really cool website I found. In this example, the word "this" would be the link to That is, it would show up as a blue underlined word on your blog. The key things to note are: The "a href" stuff must be enclosed in these kind of brackets <>. That lets the computer know you're entering HTML and not just typing stuff to be displayed. The website you want to link to must be in quotes, and must always start with http://. If you don't have the http://, the link probably won't work. Any text you type after the > that closes out the bit where you write the website address will be the actual link that shows up on your blog. The tag lets the computer know that any text after is just normal text and should not be part of the link. Note: You have to put the > in, otherwise the rest of your blog post will be treated as a link, and it will probably cause other weird things to happen that you don't want.